[email protected] | (937)380-8954 | github.com/brandonapol | Brandon Apol

Brandon Apol

Fairbanks, Alaska

Educator, Learner, Programmer, Musician

About Me

I love programming.

I am enthusiastic about both programming itself, and teaching others about it. I love learning and spend several hours a day just learning new things as I am able. Recently, I have been fascinated with functional programming instead of object oriented, and learning about how compilers work.

Profile photo


Web design

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Bootstrap, TypeScript with style!

Back End

Python, Flask, Java, Spring, Django, FastAPI


AWS CCP, expected AWS Certified Developer July 2022, Docker, Git, ECS, EC2, S3, DigitalOcean, Heroku


Taught lessons, small groups, large classrooms and more. Licensed public school teacher with proven professionalism, communication, and decision making experience


SQL, Pandas and Numpy for Python, R, Regex, ORMs

Creative thinker

Backgrounds in music, education, customer service, outdoorsmanship, youth development, and more means I bring more to the table than just software development

Highlighted Work

Flask App Generator

This project was my response to observing that most Flask apps were basically identical, so I made a full stack app that zipped a template Flask app and downloaded it. It's saved me more time than I even thought it would.

Coding Temple: Self-Paced Course

Over the course of two months, I created and delivered a self-paced version of Coding Temple's full-time live bootcamp course, which delivered a return on investment of over 30:1. I tutored students in code for the following 7 months while building other projects for the company.

Coding Temple: Self-Paced Data Course

In-process: Creating and delivering a brand-new Data Analysis self-paced course for Coding Temple. Learned new technologies and made educational content for each technology learned.

Other Stuff About Me

I have a lot of interests! I do a lot of stuff!

I enjoy rock climbing, music theory, cross country skiing, spending time with my wife, learning about functional programming, swanky coffee, farming, mountaineering (and generally being on top of things), bicycling, ice fishing, church history, books by Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and more!

I also was a music teacher and I still play music and teach for fun! On the left is an album I co-produced while I was in college, and I hope you give it a listen.

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